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A Blog Through A Lens
The Collective
Studio Induction This morning we were split up into two groups, my group was taken over to the Cove Studio. First of all we were told...
The Collective
Persuasive Writing Today, in our afternoon session we had a group discussion. Talking about copyright and we each gave our own opinions....
My Visual Diary-Week 4
Evaluation On ‘My Visual Diary’ Our Visual Diary was a project all about developing our individual skills within the Art College. My...
My Visual Diary-Week 4
Run Around Central Park This evening after college i decided to go for a run around Central Park. Living so close to the park, it is the...
My Visual Diary- Week 3
Giving A Helping Hand... Today i headed up to Tavistock to help a friend with some photographs which she was wanting to send of to a...
My Visual Diary-Week 3
Family Are So Important... Today i spent the day with my family who came down to stay from Shaftesbury, in Wiltshire. We went out for a...
My Visual Diary-Week 3
A Normal Day At Work... I work at McDonald's on Tavistock Road in Plymouth. I have worked there for just over six months and i enjoy it...
My Visual Diary-Week 3
A Trip To The Barbican... This morning we had an induction, working with the K1000 film cameras. We spoke about aperture and although i...
My Visual Diary-Week 2
My Favourite View... One of my all time favourite hobbies is horse riding. Having had horses in the family since i was born, it has been...
My Visual Diary-Week 2
Boscastle... Today, my Mum, Dad and myself went out for the afternoon to Boscastle, a small village right by the water in Cornwall. I...
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