The Collective
Studio Induction
This morning we were split up into two groups, my group was taken over to the Cove Studio. First of all we were told about all the health and safety that must be considered when working in the area, such as making sure we did not leave the lights unattended, because they are so powerful and can easily become overheated. We were then told what our settings should be set around, for example our camera should always be in manual mode, aswell as manual focus. Our ISO should be on the lowest option, our shutter speed should be set to 1/125 and we were told that to work out our aperture we need to use a light meter. The light meter we used was called a Sekonic light meter. In order to make it work you must match the settings to the camera, firstly setting the mode, then the ISO and then the shutter speed. Once we had been told about how to work everything, we were given the chance to work the equipment ourselves. We took it in turns photographing, modelling and working with the lighting, so that we all had a chance to come to grips with the high tech equipment.The photo above was taken by me, where i was experimenting with the settings on the camera, seeing what worked well. I am thoroughly looking forward to upcoming projects when i can use the cove and the other studios available to me and widen my experience within this environment.