A Day In The Life
Light Painting
Light Painting Photography is the Art Form of using handheld lights to paint or draw in a scene while the shutter of a camera is left open during a long exposure photograph. By shooting in a dark location and using photographic technique of long exposure photography, around 30 second exposure, the flashes, streaks, colours, textures, and trails of light created by Light Painting Brushes can be captured without the use of any post production. Exposure times for light paintings can range from just a few seconds up to an hour or more.
One specific area of light painting which fascinates me is Spirographs. For this area of photography I looked at the work by Jason Page. In order to create these amazing unique images, you hang a flashlight from the ceiling, which you can simply do by using string and duct tape. Jason Page then uses a universal connector, to connect his different colour light pens. You then place your camera directly underneath your light source and make sure its level. Then you turn off the lights, open your shutter and start spinning the light. I like the fact there are so many possibilities within this idea, you can swap colours by covering your lens with a piece of cardboard and changing over the light.
Jason Page's work has inspired me to have a go at creating my own Spirographs. However, I do not have access to the special lights and universal connector which he uses. But I am going to attempt to use torches and LED finger lights, in different colours and just do some experimenting, to see what I feel works well.