The Square
Mood Boards
After being given the brief earlier this morning, we then had to choose two ideas which we could possibly go down the route off, for the project. I chose Fashion and Surrealism. I have always had an interest in fashion, looking in the fashion magazines, at the different trends. Even when looking in the shops, i have my own style, which i am very picky about! We had to create a mood board for each idea. I love bright colours within my work, so my mood board was full of vibrant, eyecatching colours.
My second idea was Surrealism/Fantasy. Surrealism photography usually shows something that would be impossible in real life, or tampers with the line defining what is real and what is imaginary. Surrealism photography, it always makes me wonder how the images have been created. However, i also have a huge interest in fantasy. Which i think sits alongside surrealism. If i went down the fantasy route, i think i would look at the different fairytales and create my own version.